Facial CO2 Laser at Ting Skin Specialist in Kuala Lumpur | My Skincare Journey | Part 1
Health No Comments »Hello! This is the first video of THREE vlogs for my mini skincare journey series. In the first, I documented my CO2 Fractional Laser at Ting Skin Specialist at Jalan Imbi.
If you’ve followed me since my blogging days, you’d know I’ve been going back to this clinic for years. Whether it’s just some minor consultation of laser skin treatment, they’re my go-to.
BTW, this was actually taken back in June 2022. It’s a long procrastinated video 🙃
My next vlogs will also be at Ting Skin Specialist but for a different procedure. I did it a month (July 2022) after my first. And the third would be a combination of the two but done just last month, in November 2023. You won’t need to wait long bc I’ll be posting the videos tomorrow and the day after!
Part 1 *This vlog*
Part 2 https://youtu.be/H1OOumOjOpk?si=Aowo_xUkTPTg7Slp
Part 3 https://youtu.be/l3s1Q7WXzDo
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